This is the Watcom C compiled version of POV-Ray 2.2, it replaces the file I uploaded a few days ago, which was fully functional, but I had forgotten to change the "FILL IN YOUR NAME....." in first few lines POV-Ray outputs to my E-mail address and name. I have been told that the POV-Ray team dislikes such copies and that's why I release this version. Besides that, I have included the file POVLEGAL.DOC into the archive, which is a good thing according the the POV-Ray team. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Now the informations from the old wccpov file. It's a Watcom C compiled version of POV-Ray 2.2, which was about 40-50% faster than the Intel Code Builder version from the POV-Ray team with everything I tested. However, it's slower than the GNU C version I uploaded, too, but that version (the GNU C one) supports only VESA true color video modes. So you may want to choose this version, although it is slower. It's not that much slower, you should try both and then decide which one you like. Your mileage may vary. I have been told that there are cases where the Intel Code Builder version is faster than Watcom C (but I can't believe that...). Felix